
Friday, May 29, 2015

Hitler on Ice

Pure vanilla goodness
Here at LoS we've already linked to an article about Hitler's popularity in India (Mein Kampf Vindaloo) and the subsequent use of Hitler and/or Nazi-related imagery in Indian films, TV shows and businesses (Hitler Branding) -- cases in which Indians quoted in the articles we read found the idea harmless, even amusing.  We contrasted this against instances where Hitler has made an (presumably) accidental appearance in Western products, such as coffee mugs and creamer, and provoked public apologies and genuine horror among the companies that sold those products (NO black coffee!).  We even did a post about people seeing comedy in Hitler kittens, a Hitler house and even a Hitler teapot.

Not to mention the explosion of Hitler photos done up in meme font for use in Facebook comments and the like ("I did Nazi that coming" etc.)

The Daily Mail scores big with this punny title to the latest Indian Hitler branding to outrage the West:  The Luft-wafer: Ice cream cone named after Adolf Hitler on sale in India sparks anger in Germany 

The Luft-wafer.  Hehe.  The Mail article is pretty flimsy and focuses more on the angry German reaction, but does pretty much echo the point I made in Hitler Branding that in this vast country with its own complex history, people simply aren't that aware of the extent of Hitler's crimes and thus, he's more of an icon rather than a taboo.  Like, how many people sporting a Che Guevara shirt actually know anything about the man?  A sexy open shirt, beard and a stogie may look hippy-ish, but the man wasn't really all about "peace and love".

Photos of the ice cream cone's packaging are kind of interesting.  In one, Hitler is rendered fairly realistically, but in another, he's cartoonish, wearing a swastika top hat and bow-tie that make Der Führer resemble....Uncle Sam!  They both sport eccentric facial hair and have the same glare, not to mention the same nose.  I daresay some cheeky Indian git had modeled his comical Adolf after dear old James Flagg's famous finger-pointing curmudgeon!

What that implies is beyond my ken!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Grandmaster Flashy

Grandmaster Flash Henry X°
If you follow Masonic news you've undoubtedly already read about the Masonic Fraternal Police DepartmentThree unworthy craftsmen -- Rev. Tonette Hayes, Brandon Kiel and David Henry -- were arrested at the end of April for impersonating police officers.   Until a day or two ago, they still had a website up.  No great loss -- it was light on info and most sections were password protected.  (Which actually makes sense come to think about it).  Briefly put, this group of would-be cops claims to have been set up in 1100 BC by the Knights Templar.  Maybe they confused BC and AD.... 

Hey, there's already a Templar drug cartel, so why not Templar police as well?

Trouble is, despite that one of the three "Templars" arrested in connection with this case is (and soon to be was, I imagine) an aide to the California state Attorney General (doh!), none of them, including "Chief" David Henry, have any legitimate law enforcement credentials.  The police force, like some if not all of the lodges with which the arrested members claim to be affiliated, are not recognized by any duly-chartered Masonic bodies -- in Masonic jurisprudence they are considered "clandestine" .

It's a weird case.  These guys walked around L.A. claiming to be cops and had acquired an impressive collection of weapons, uniforms, law enforcement-type vehicles....which is why I can't quite ken why members actually went around to various police stations and introduced themselves and their mission.  "Call on us" they announced and left their calling cards, literally; the AG's aide used his card from the AG's office.  I'll bet she's thrilled.

Masonry is quite popular among police officers in the US and the UK -- as well as the military -- and has had a long relationship with Scouting.  From an article about Masonry and Scouting I wrote many years ago:
Scouting itself, as conceived by Lord Baden-Powell, has some undeniable Masonic traits; after all, they are both linear systems of progression which use symbolically-charged rituals to instill in men certain lessons about moral, civic and religious duty.
Excluding the emphasis on religious duty, but not totally devoid of ritual, I think these characteristics could describe police culture as well.  The ranks, the hierarchy, the insular culture and the sense of civil duty, order and solidarity are shared by the Mason and the police officer alike.  Consider for example the Fraternal Order of Police.  One look at their emblem and the Masonic influence is clear:  it contains an eye quite like the Eye of Providence, the clasped hands of friendship and a checkerboard.  The repetition of three medallions on the shield and the three towers of the castle that surmounts it could be a nod to Masonic symbolism.  The emblem itself, like those of police departments across the nation, is a five-pointed star.  In Masonry the star represents the five points of fellowship (see Lone Star Republics) and the widely-used Blazing Star is is considered by some to be "one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry."  For one example see the FOP emblem side-by-side with that of the Order of the Eastern Star.

The FOP is even organized into lodges as opposed to chapters of a union, explained as a result of the anti-union sentiment among the law enforcement establishment at the time of its founding in 1915.  One can't go around assassinating labor leaders and strike-busting and call oneself a union now, can one?  The FOP actually shares at least one set of values with Freemasonry.  When the FOP went national in 1918 it constitution declared that "race, Creed or Color shall be no bar" to membership.  The Grand Lodge of the FOP (another masonic term) doesn't declare any Masonic affinities, but their slogan -- "Building on a proud tradition" -- may be a case of me making mucho ado about nada -- or it may be a nod to Masonic metaphor, e.g. "building better men".

But these Masonic police are not only not police, they're not Masons either, at least Masons recognized by the Grand Lodge of California, Prince Hall or otherwise.  They appear to be led by a guy calling himself Grandmaster Henry X, aka Chief Henry.  Henry's title of "Grandmaster" is as dubious as his title of "Chief".  But that's just for starters.  His Google + profile has him being not only a Templar Police Chief but the head of the Illuminati, to boot!

Bragging rights

Note all those crazy degrees.  He's got the 32° and 33° of the Scottish Rite, the 90° may refer to the Rite of Misraïm.  I wonder if the X is a reference to Malcolm X and the 360° to the Five Percenters?  (Update 11 Aug.:  I was notified in a comment that X° is an OTO degree, so this could be what Henry's referring to).

Hard to say.  Henry may just be adding numbers to his name, but given the plethora of rites and practices both recognized and clandestine available, it's quite possible he actually did some of the degree work he claims to have done.  A picture labelled "A very young Grandmaster Henry X°" shows hims in an all-black Lodge which may or may not be a recognized Prince Hall Lodge. (Update 11 Aug.:  Henry's Masonic mentor, Van Hibler, is or was the Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince of Peace Grand Lodge, identified as "bogus" by The Phylaxis Society, a Prince Hall research organization, itself international, well-respected, and most importantly, legitimate!  I don't know if this photo is of a clandestine Lodge, but Henry's "Masonic family tree" is pretty suspect.  See our follow-up for more details).

Is this a recognized or a clandestine Lodge?  Is it really even Henry?
Whatever the case, we're looking forward to seeing what develops.  The last news dates from 6 May and as far as we know, the Chief has been in custody since this time.

For more about African-American Freemasonry:  Freemasonry and Black Nationalism

For more about fake police forces:  Monarchists and Mercenaries: Say hello to the American Police Force

For more about Henry X°, please see Freemasonries: David Henry X°, Clandestinity and Recognition, a more detailed follow-up to this post.