
Monday, September 6, 2021

"Good Luck, Toni" A new book, a new website, and a book signing....


Back in December, 2018 I posted that my friend Waîthira Francis had published her first novel, My Name is Toni.

I'm pleased to report that she's published a sequel, Good Luck, Toni.

Toni is no longer a naïve, young Kenyan immigrant struggling with her religious upbringing as she navigates the mores of an unfamiliar culture, but a married woman, a mother, and a working professional.

"Her life is not spared the drama, love snares and shenanigans that seem to follow Toni everywhere."

Francis has created a website where you can order copies from her directly:  Waîthira Francis.


I've organized a reading/book signing for November 12th at 8PM.   The reading will take place at The Wild Rose (17, rue Maury, Toulouse; you can contact the venue directly at 09 81 84 88 06.)  

In addition to Francis, I will be reading from my novella, The Ice Mine.  Books will be available for purchase and signing.  This reading was originally planned for over a year ago but was derailed by the pandemic.

Fabrice Gieryga will play a few songs and I will sing on one song and play tambourine on some others.  The reading and music will last an hour and a half at most. 

The Lost Generation had Paris in the 20's and 30's.  The Beats called an unnamed hotel at 9, rue Gît-le-Cœur home from the late 50's to the early 60's.  Will Toulouse become known as a literary hotbed for the expat writers of Generation X?  Come help make it happen.  At the least you can grab a drink and hear some literature and live music....