
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Animal Suicide

We've already talked about how animals have attacked us (twice!) and we've attacked them (twice!).

Now it's time to talk about how the animals are killing themselves.

We could raise philosophical questions of intent to ponder the lemmings or to examine the cause of 1500 sheep leaping off a cliff.

But we won't.

Instead, we ask, we plead: Why (oh why?!?) have 50 dogs in 50 years leapt to their deaths off Overtoun Bridge in Scotland?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you referred to the bobcat and the komodo, but forgot the chimp....That's three to one!

    But that Overtoun bridge is very strange stuff. Why indeed? Unusual detail in an already unusual tale: the suicidal dogs tend towards long-nosed breeds.


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