
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hunimals on the Rise

Last June an intrepid freelance reporter for LoS described a visit to NY's Plumb Island, long rumored to be a US biological warfare experimentation facility.

Recent news reports that a corpse with "very long fingers" was found washed up upon the island's shore.

We at LoS pride ourselves on our reputation as vigilant anti-obscurantists, so we feel compelled to point out that the Plumb Island that produced this giant-fingered human corpse is *not* the same Plumb Island that produced this giant squid corpse.

In other news, a human-headed sheep was born in Turkey last week.

This event was echoic, apparently, of a human-headed goat born last fall.

A good friend of mine grew up on Long Island--in the same neighborhood as the Amityville Horror house. He claims that that there are long-standing rumors of 50-foot cows on Plumb Island--specially purposed for providing milk.

This sounds less far-fetched when you consider the long-standing dream of cows that produce human milk.

For more:

* Hunimals
* Chicken Scream


  1. From (

    Lab grown pork from stem cells 19 Jan 2010
    Dutch scientists have been successful in creating pork meat in a lab from the stem cells of pigs.

    Reports state that the lab grown meat does not yet resemble or taste much like pork (with the consistency of a scallop), the results could prove to be a major landmark in the world’s food supply.

    "If we took the stem cells from one pig and multiplied it by a factor of a million, we would need one million fewer pigs to get the same amount of meat," said Mark Post, a biologist at Maastricht University involved in the project.

    Slaughterhouses could be a thing of the past
    This could mean that slaughterhouses in the future will no longer be needed. Global warming could be lowered by up to 95%, world hunger tackled - a green alternative may be possible.


    Although there seem to be positive future aspects, there are also concerns regarding meat grown in a lab. Some health experts are concerned about dangers to human health. Also, less dependency in livestock could affect the agricultural ecosystems.

    "Part of our enjoyment of eating meat depends on the very complicated muscle and fat structure... whether that can be replicated is still a question," said biochemist Peter Ellis.

    However, the researchers who are involved in the project believe that the benefits of the technology surpass the risks.


  2. Did I write to you about the sheep in Turkey? I was meaning to. Telling that we both came across this news. That photo freaks me out. Creepy "nightmare fuel" as Swinedriver might say.

    Crossed my mind that it was faked.... ?

  3. Yeah, that pic looks totally faked to me--but super creepy; an entire horror flick could be easily imagined from that one shot.

    Also: You didn't mention the story to me. Synchronicity.

    Regarding growing meat--I've got a good friend who has a good friend who was involved in some of the early research in that field. The guy's apparently brilliant (e.g., he was working on two advanced degrees at two different schools at the same time), and he was approaching it from an ethical standpoint: he was a freegan, which is so totally hardcore and admirable in a sort of holy f&ck! kind of way.

  4. I'm totally open on this issue of fakery; it does seem fake but also very real, so bizarre it could in fact be true. I wonder what Dr. Jense would say on the subject? Surely they study this kind of stuff in vet school?

    If fake, I don't know if I'd be relieved or disappointed?

    Growing meat seems somehow totally wrong, but then again I'm just mired in an old morality perhaps. Why not, really? Good for space exploration, etc.

    Freeganism? This is the first time I've heard the word. We here have some vaguely freegan tendencies actually. Except for all the beer bottles.


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