
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lo-tech noir

Jon Frankel, some-time comment-maker and friend of LoS, is a talented writer of books I like and not simply because he is a friend. He sent me this:

I want to invite everyone to listen to the weekly podcast of my book The Man Who Can’t Die at:

My friend Miette, who has a regular podcast, Miette’s Bedtime Stories,, will be reading the whole book, for which I am eternally grateful.

Jon's books are very good and worth a read....and now, a listen. I've been privileged to read novels in progress and it means a lot to me that he'd share before publishing, solicit my opinion and take those opinions seriously. Please check out these podcasts and investigate further.

I've read, Specimen Tank, The Last Bender, The Man Who Can't Die and his latest work in progress Babes of the Abyss.

These books are savage, dark, cynical, and "true". As is often the case with authors of books of a like nature (which isn't to say they are of a "type" or fall into an easy genre), Jon is one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet. Please take a look.


  1. Hey, I just read this now. Thank you SO MUCH for the plug. And for reading. You and a handful of others make it possible to go one. And we are kindred spirits. I read pieces here all the time that resonate with my own sense of the lovable, damnable world Disorder.

  2. "Lovable!" Well Jon, we gotta get the word out. I hope it drives some people to the podcasts. It's a good book and deserves a wider hearing.

    Glad you like the stuff we do here. I'd hate to think you secretly thought us a bunch of semi-literate gofballs. But then again, we are that!

    So send me the latest installment of "Babes of the Abyss"....

  3. goofball, that is. not the drug though.

  4. Babes of the Abyss is definitely the work of a semi-literate goofball on goofballs.


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