
Monday, June 21, 2010

List of books from that microwave box‏

Hey Steven

Here we go....let me know which ones you want to keep. You can just give me the number and a key word.

1. pamphlet - El Corazon
2. Reveries of a batchelor
3. Marcel Proust Spanish
4. James Joyce - Finnigans Wake
5. Suetonius - The Twelve Caesaars
6. 3 Sears Robuck Catalogues [bad shape]
7. Jack Black- You can't win
8. Lives of the Saints
9.Satanic Bible
11. In the days of thy Youth
12. Living Sober
13. AA
14. The Classical Wizard Magus Mirabilis in Oz
15. Dante The Divine Comedy
16. English Lit
17.Starting From San Francisco - New Poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti w/45 rpm record
18. Children of Los Alamos
19. Maltese Falcon
20. Anthology of concrete Poetry
21.Complete Walker
22. Selected Writings of E.A.Poe
23. Satanism and Witchcraft
24. Book of Mormon
25. A Portrait of William Burroughs
[my favourite] A parking ticket citation from Albuquerque $10 from 1996
26. Narcotics Anonymous
27. Ouija Board and plastic thing
28. Nikola Tesla - Prodical Genious
29. Marijuana - Growers guide
30. On Doctrines of the Modernists
31. Frankenstein [bad shape]
32. Eros and Civilization
33. The Little, Brown Hand Book
34. Quentin Fiore - The Medium is the message.
35. J. G. ballard - Crash
36. Adventures in the Unknown Interier of America
37. E.G. Cook Lets Study Revelation
38. Necronomicon
39. Mastering Tarot
40. Pychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain [sounds interesting]
41. Newsletters- Poetry Project X 4 copies
42. Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine
43.Middle English Lyrics
44. World Atlas [small book] From someone named Don Fisher
45. An Irrational Act - Surrealist Works on Paper
46. Guide to the Sky
47. Notes on Thought and Vision by H.D.
48. The Olympic Reader
49. Time of the Assasin - Study of Rimbaud by Henry Miller
50. Yiddish Slang Idioms
51. Budda and his Teachings
52. Freud - Sexual Enlightenment of Children
53. 3 essays on Theory and Sexuality
54. Crazy Horse

Thats it. I have left them out of the box for now as they kind of smell musty, Any you wish to keep I will put them out in the sun each day to get rid of the smell, somewhat.
Let me know soon
Love Always Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. That is great. I will never forget the time your mom cleaned your whole framed poetry exhibit. Did your mom email this to you or write it all in a letter? k

  2. I call dibs on #49!

    Be careful with #38. It bites. Literally.

    btw, the microwave that I stole (which provided you with said "microwave box" of goods) ... it was totally not worth stealing it. By the time I drove from Alaska to Florida, it was completely obsolete. Next time I'm gonna steal a pencil sharpener or somethin' else obsolete proof.

  3. Are you for real? Did that microwave box really come from you? And you stole it? Hoho. This kind of thing reminds me just how long we've known each other. Camping in the keys, living under the stairs, listening to the Stooges while, urm, altered. Unforgettable stuff!

    Email me your mailing address and the Rimbaud book is yours.

  4. Hey K, is that Dr. K or not? My mom emailed this to me. I still have about 7 boxes of books in her garage. I imagine she wrote this all ona piece of paper then typed it into an email. Quite a lengthy process. I don't have the heart to tell her that all but a few of these books are keepers. She can put 'em in the attic!

    Funny is that this this pretty much touches on or sums up my main centers of interest over the last 25 years. I can safely say that if this list were all that remained of my "intellectual" (ahem) life, it would be a fair and accurate summation.

    And yeah, when she repackaged the poetry stuff in plastic to lose the weight of the glass! I was livid. Now I chuckle but not entirely without some (petty) lingering rancor!

    Any books you want, btw? Free for you and Gid only!

  5. Reveries of a Bachelor and You Can't Win excluded.

  6. It's a good list...she didn't happen to find my old vinyl did she?? I think I have a few records, including a Duran Duran picture disc in that garage!! Hope your mom is well.
    k (j)

  7. You should give her a call and find out. She'd be happy to be rid of it! Duran Duran! Emblem of my adolescence.

    Tell us, are you involved in rescuing wildlife from the Gulf? What's your view of things like.

    I'm gutted, as I'm sure The Gid is. He's a real Florida cracker, unlike us first-generation transplants....


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