
Sunday, June 19, 2016

666 by 222 is 3 is the Magic Number

From the use of child labor/slavery to hooking Third World babies on powdered infant formula by doling out free samples, the sales reps dressed in nurse's uniforms, then starting to charge prices the women couldn't pay when their breast milk dried up, Nestlé might arguably one of the world's most evil corporations.

Here's a summary of 5 shitty things Nestlé has done over the years.

And here you have proof.  Buy two get one free, for 6.66 euros.  I think that's all we need to demonstrate that Nestlé is, in fact, a servant of Satan....


  1. Let's not forget Zephyrhills Spring Water either. Nestle have continued to push for more usage of Crystal Springs in Florida. Locals are having none of it so far. Keep up the Good Fight!

    1. The infant milk formula story is a true moral outrage. Send around sales people dressed as nurses, giving away powdered formula. The mothers go dry from not breastfeeding, then you start charging for the powder. It's like the classic story of the inner city pusher getting kids hooked on dope. First one's free.... But I hadn't heard about Zephyrhills, only the similar situation in California. Also the CEO or President of Nestlé recently said that free water is not a human right. I was just in Switzerland. They are nice folks, but they can also be incredible assholes with very little moral center. Like Ferengi on Star Trek, it's all about bringing in the gold, the source be damned.

  2. So true, especially with poluted waters, and no hygene, the milk poisoned thousands...

    "Nestlé might arguably BE one of the world's most evil corporations", Monsanto's brother or sister ?


    1. I think when I shared this on Facebook I used the intro "Making Monsanto look good for decades!" Two companies with a profits before human decency ethos. Like so many, sadly.

      Hope you are well miji, been thinking of you.

  3. You've really got a finger on the pulse.

    1. Oh yeah, a regular cultural cardiologist of nonsense.


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