
Monday, September 5, 2022

Meaningful Coincidences? Drumpf!!

The way I figure, there are at least four explanations for why Trump campaigns and allies have used explicit Nazi symbolism on at least four occasions in the past few years:  Trump or someone on his team is signaling his sympathy to neo-fascists; someone in the ad or design agencies his campaign hires is sympathetic to neo-fascism; someone in the agencies his campaign hires is making a statement about Trump's authoritarian tendencies in order to mock him; or it's all just coincidence.

If it is coincidence, then it's careless to the point of incompetence, and maybe the universe is giving us a wink and a nod. I've never seen another candidate get caught employing Nazi symbolism as many times as Trump....and just ask Harvard "symbologist" Robert Langdon.  Symbols matter!

Feb., 2021

CPAC is forced to explain why the stage at their meeting is a perfect Odal (or Othala) rune, an unusual and counter-intuitive shape used in the WW2-era by SS units and subsequently by Neo-Nazis.

July, 2020

The Trump campaign is criticized for T-shirts that evoke the NSDAP's leftward-looking Parteiadler eagle clutching a circular symbol of the nation.

The America First Commitee (1940) was a group created to oppose US entry into WW2.  Some of its most prominent speakers were known for their antisemitism (chiefly, Charles Lindbergh) and some held pro-fascist views.  

In 1943, The America First Party (unrelated) was founded by Gerald L. K. Smith.  Smith was an antisemitic and white supremacist firebrand, and after various forays into politics, he turned to fascism, contacting William Dudley Pelley, and attempting to contact Hitler.  He eventually joined Pelley's Silver Legion of America, a fascist group modelled on the Nazi Sturmabteilung, the SA, aka the "Brownshirts."

He was later affiliated with the Christian Nationalist Party, which advocated deporting Jews and African-Americans, and attacked Catholics for good measure.  The party's official magazine also published articles denying the Holocaust.

This of course doesn't mean Trump believes these things, but using a slogan with such precedents of dubious quality is well, not reassuring.

June, 2020

The Trump campaign uses an inverted red triangle to illustrate an attack on far-left "mobs", especially Antifa.  Facebook takes it down. Why?  Because the Nazis pinned inverted red triangles on the uniforms of prisoners in concentration camps to identify them as political enemies: social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, people who helped Jews, trade unionists, and Freemasons.

You may know that the pink triangle identified homosexuals and of course a yellow Star of David identified Jews.  A chart showing the various prison badges can be found here.

July, 2015

The Trump campaign Tweets an image which includes soldiers dressed in Nazi-era German uniforms (In the red stripe, bottom right; the links have clearer images).

So, these are either coincidences, cheeky ad agency flunkies, dog whisting, or the universe winking, or....

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