
Friday, June 22, 2012

That Head Gets Around II: Son of the Head

Massive advertising revenue from LoS has allowed me to do two things:  quit my job and hire a research assistant.  Now I spent my days drinking gin and tonics on the verandah while Eduardo combs various media archives for interesting imagery.

Guess what?  He's found a couple more film stills that support the claim that Bush's head on a spike in Game of Thrones occurred because the props department just happened to have a model of his head lying about.

Good work, Eduardo!

The following examples show that the head prop makes brief appearances in Beastmaster and Three's Company.  Wherever will it pop up next?


  1. Did you know that Google's working on searching images like this, that is, where the computers themselves will be able to search for matches so that you can fire Ed so that he can kick back with G&Ts, too?

  2. Cool stuff. Birth of the Terminator? And fuck that, having a dark young lad around the house helps me fulfill my colonial yearnings and pretensions. Did I mention I've taken to wearing white linen suits?


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