
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Digging for gold

Compared to the last few years, 2012 hasn't been very productive for LoS.  Various committments, fatigue, burnout, what have you; all have led to shorter and less frequent posts.  If you're a regular writer you know the drill.

I've called upon a handful of friends, a good half-dozen, to make some posts, always with vague "I'll think of something" replies which have led nowhere.  That's life.  People are busy; they've got their own things going on.

Gid and I want to keep the blog going, but it needs some fresh new voices with different obsessions, geographic inspiration, political leanings, neurotic impediments, etc., etc.

So if you stumble upon this here post and think you'd like to give it a shot, please post a comment and we'll set something up.  Read through some older posts and get a feel for our approach.

There's no pay and no glory, but if you've got a hankering to jot down a sketch about something you think others might be interested in reading.....even that's not so important, finally, as long as you yourself are amused....we're willing to give you a forum, if it fits.  It's a big tent and we don't feel the need to agree with you.  We can't guarantee we'll post what you write; if it sucks we'll simply say "No thank you" and no harm will come of it.

Consider it and let us know.


  1. if you start making videos along with the post, I'm sure it's going to be big. You have a lot of random interesting things on your blog

  2. Thanks. That's very encouraging. I've actually considered making videos. This might be the solution to the writer's block. There are plenty of good things to make small films about so my only excuse not to do something is laziness! I followed your name, btw and see that you are a designer. I saw some of your dolls. I like them a lot....They may not be designed with kids in mind but mine would love them....they have good taste. Have you shown them in galleries or expos?


Thanks for taking the time to comment!

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