Feb., 2021
CPAC is forced to explain why the stage at their meeting is a perfect Odal (or Othala) rune, an unusual and counter-intuitive shape used in the WW2-era by SS units and subsequently by Neo-Nazis.
July, 2020
The Trump campaign is criticized for T-shirts that evoke the NSDAP's leftward-looking Parteiadler eagle clutching a circular symbol of the nation.
The America First Commitee (1940) was a group created to oppose US entry into WW2. Some of its most prominent speakers were known for their antisemitism (chiefly, Charles Lindbergh) and some held pro-fascist views.
He was later affiliated with the Christian Nationalist Party, which advocated deporting Jews and African-Americans, and attacked Catholics for good measure. The party's official magazine also published articles denying the Holocaust.
This of course doesn't mean Trump believes these things, but using a slogan with such precedents of dubious quality is well, not reassuring.
June, 2020
The Trump campaign uses an inverted red triangle to illustrate an attack on far-left "mobs", especially Antifa. Facebook takes it down. Why? Because the Nazis pinned inverted red triangles on the uniforms of prisoners in concentration camps to identify them as political enemies: social democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, anarchists, people who helped Jews, trade unionists, and Freemasons.
You may know that the pink triangle identified homosexuals and of course a yellow Star of David identified Jews. A chart showing the various prison badges can be found here.
July, 2015
The Trump campaign Tweets an image which includes soldiers dressed in Nazi-era German uniforms (In the red stripe, bottom right; the links have clearer images).
So, these are either coincidences, cheeky ad agency flunkies, dog whisting, or the universe winking, or....
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