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Augustus Sol Invictus (born Austin Mitchell Gillespie, 1983), is a Florida lawyer and political candidate who drew attention some years ago when he ran for the U.S. Senate to represent Florida on the Libertarian ticket. When word got out that he'd once gone to the Mojave Desert and ritually sacrificed a goat, then drank it's blood, he didn't deny it. No indeed. He'd been a Thelemite, a loud and proud pagan, and made no bones (nor gristle) about it..
But the O.T.O. gave him the (jack?) boot.
Maybe it was the goat. Maybe it was his hard-right politics. As a lawyer, he's represented white supremacists, terrorists, and other hard-to-like defendants. He also was a speaker at the infamous Unite the Right rally, had previously praised eugenics, and promoted white supremacy. Not to mention he wants to see the world set on fire. Going through online references to Invictus, he doesn't seem to last very long in any group with which he affiliates. I don't think a guy like him takes orders very well. When you read the letter transcribed below, you'll see what I mean.
If it was a clean kill, I have no quarrel with a goat sacrifice; ridiculing it, well, is simply hypocritical. Muslims and Orthodox Christians do it, Jews did it; heck, some passages in the Talmud depict priests at Solomon's Temple wading
up to their knees in blood, and others describe 1.2 million animals
being slaughtered on one day. Certainly hyperbole, but I've read enough to know the courtyard of the Temple was a scene of constant smoke, fire, sizzling fat, and puddles of blood.
In recent news, Invictus was acquitted in a domestic abuse case (apparently the accuser didn't show). Charges of stalking, harassment, and domestic violence have been reported to police against him about 10 times. But in April this year, all charges against him in his latest trial ended up with a "not guilty" verdict. Read about his legal issues here.
There are already some good articles about Invictus online; this one is especially good at situating Invictus within the current fascist spectrum and is much defter than my attempts in recent posts. It focuses on the idea of "Imperium" articulated by Francis Yockey. I was really struck by this passage:
Fascism’s key....is syncretic, mixing in aspects of the left to create a shifting, yet totalizing, political system. Libertarianism....has the unique ability to mainstream far-right positions, and really to be the only crossover point that organizations with hard-right politics would normally have. Invictus himself seems to maintain very common talking points from the Libertarian Party, but mixes them with a sort of social commentary about the need for dominant leaders, a “cult of violence,” and the need to return to the idea of Imperium....he seems to portray a frenetic and confused political menu that focuses on strength and power and keeps a great deal of open fascist ideals just under the surface.
A second article by the same author is also instructive. The writer, Shane Burley, is clearly not sympathetic to Invictus' views, but he manages to keep it fair; in fact, this second article is a response to a letter Invictus wrote to Burley, thanking him for the first article, which focuses on his ideas, rather than the sensational "Goat-blood drinking Florida Man" angle of most other articles about him.
From that second article, I'd also like to quote a paragraph that goes into something my previous posts have addressed: the meeting of left and right:
One thing that did stick from Yockey, and we are seeing today in many sides of the New Right, is a call for unity between the Right and Left. Yockey called for a "red-brown alliance," which would be the association between fascists and anti-Zionist communists (since he saw the Jews as essentially the primary problem), and this has been much of the discussion of a Third Positionism that sees both capitalism and communism as problematic. Today, we see this incredibly present in National Anarchism, National Revolution, and National Bolshevism, as well as various strains of racialist Asatru/Odinism and parts of the Alt Right. It should be noted that they do not borrow from the Left in terms of underlining ideas, but just in tactical notions like opposition to capitalism and support of deep environmentalism.
National Bolshevism. Asatru/Odinism. Deep environmentalism. Left/right unity. Almost like a list of keywords for my recent posts....I've addressed each and every one of these topics in the last 12 months.
The letter I reproduce below has been widely discussed online. I only post it now because I got a call last week from a friend I hadn't seen in 30 years. "I'm in Marseilles!" Next day we're in Toulouse eating Camembert and I tell her about my recent forays into occultism and fascism. And she asks, "Have you ever heard of Augustus Sol Invictus? Cuz I went to school with him."
much? I'm writing posts about the occult and avant-garde roots of
fascism, and a woman I haven't seen in 30 years pops in from across the
Atlantic to tell me she went to grad school with the contemporary
personification of the occultist/artist/fascist idea I've been recently
manhandling. Oh yeah, Invictus writes poetry with titles like All is burning: it is the end and Set the World on Fire.
From the time of his religious renunciation and departure to the
wilderness to the time of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville
and its aftermath, Invictus discusses his first-hand experience of the
brutal world of radical politics, including the public betrayals and
catastrophes and the private heartbreaks and changes in course.
friend of mine was in a class with Invictus as a grad student and
describes him as a friend (at the time, anyway) and a decent guy. But
he hadn't yet revealed his fascist beliefs, and domestic violence
wasn't probably something they yukked about over sandwiches. My friend
is quite a feminist, she wouldn't truck with no violent misogynists.
She describes him as seeming "lost" and "in search of an identity." She emphasizes that Gillespie made sure to legally change his name before getting his diplomas, so that they carried his new name. Becoming Invictus was becoming a new person. She feels that the person before and after were truly like different people.
time later, in 2013, my friend received Invictus' famous
"renunciation" letter, which I present here. It was originally sent to
his colleagues at DePaul University College of Law
(a Catholic school, BTW) and he sent to my friend as well.
(Update 13/07: Hey. I just re-read the article about Augustus. The letter that I shared with you was originally sent to our cohort & the professors at Rollins College Crummer School of Business....He sent a different letter to DePaul....When my Rollins cohort received our letter, the other people on our team dug around and found that letter that he wrote to DePaul on a DePaul message board.)
When that email arrived 2 days before finals, the school was so fearful of a
mass shooting episode that students were allowed to do their finals
from home. The grad program was effectively shut down for three days. Young Invictus even received a visit from the FBI.
first page of the scan is blurry but you can read the transcript
below. I don't feel this is a violation of Invictus' privacy. He sent
it to his entire cohort and every professor in the program; and it's reproduced online already.
He clearly meant it to be a public declaration. And the guy may run for
office again one day. Domestic violence? Shit. The GOP will excuse sex offenders. Sacrificed goats? No worries.
Remember a few years back, "I am not a witch...."
As NPR said of Christine O'Donnell's ad in 2010: "It should go without saying that if in your first TV ad as a candidate
for the U.S. Senate you feel compelled to announce: "I am not a witch,"
you're in deep trouble."
Whoooo-ooo-ooo! (That's a ghost noise BTW). Cue rattling chains!
According to a recent video (2022) Invictus posted on YouTube, he's once again Catholic. Tridentine (Pre-Vatican II), naturally.
So, here's that letter. It must be intended to be ironic to a certain degree, no? A "winning handshake"? What? No discussion of the paper stock of his business cards? Is this Sol Invictus, or Patrick Bateman? (Bateman: "This Confession Has Meant Nothing.")
--------- -------- -------- -------
Sent: Sat, Apr 20, 2013 1:01 pm
Subject: FW: On My Renunciation & Departure from Civilization
To the Grey World of Man:
say that only failures become revolutionaries; that those who
perpetrate violence in the name of a great cause only do so because they
have failed at everything else in life. In other words, they only become revolutionaries because they have achieved nothing of value in the “real” world.
ye the glory of my life at 29 years of age: I have four children, each
of whom should be the envy of every parent in the world; I have attained
a Baccalaureate Degree in Philosophy with honors; I have attained a
Doctorate in Law, cum laude; I have acquired licenses in the profession
of law in the States of New York, Illinois, and Florida; I am scheduled
to acquire two more such licenses in North Carolina & Massachusetts;
I am Editor-in-Chief of a poetry journal; I run an independent
publishing company; I have opened my own law office in downtown Orlando;
I am an MBA candidate; and I have accomplished a few other things that
will remain off the record for now.
am of genius intellect & cultured, well-educated & creative,
well-mannered & refined. I am God’s gift to humankind where the
English language is concerned, and I also happen to have a basic
knowledge of Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, and Italian. I am musical
& artistic; I am athletic & possessed of militant
self-discipline; and I am many other things. I have a Cadillac & a
poodle, multiple computers & a personal library; I live in an
apartment downtown, right across the street from the courthouse; I have
been to Paris & Vancouver, to Cairo & Dubrovnik, to Mexico City
& Siracusa. I dress better than all of you, pronounce my words
perfectly, and have a winning, professional handshake. I am everything
you ever wanted to be.
challenge any of you, then, to accuse me of being a failure in this
artificial civilization of yours. For it is beyond dispute that I have
played your petty game, and I have won.
your game no longer holds any interest for me. Your architecture is
vapid & worthless, as is your decadent culture, the mindless drivel
you call music, the filth you call democracy. You waste your lives
watching pure excrement on television, shopping at the strip malls,
planning your vacations to resorts & theme parks. The Internet, with
its infinitude of information, is used for reading celebrity gossip
& watching sitcoms. You have begun to reduce argument to memes &
human communication to trite sound bites. Life has become trivial – and
if you cannot feel the human spirit decaying, you are already dead.
for those in the profession of law: The vast majority of you are
nothing more than parasites. The only reason you eat, the only reason
you can afford to have roofs over your heads, is that the lives of
others have been ruined by the very laws & social order you claim to
be legitimate. You feed off others like worms, and were this world
& their lives just & in order, you would be out of work. Look
upon your lives, and repent.
modern civilization of which you are all so fond deserves naught from
me but the violence of my contempt; and if you were strong enough, you
would hold the same contempt & turn your torches upon the world as I
hereby renounce my licenses to practice law, my diplomas, my
affiliation with Rollins, DePaul, and the University of South Florida,
my United States citizenship, my membership in the Roman Catholic
Church, my law firm, my publishing company & poetry journal, and all
of my material possessions.
those who believe that this great renunciation is evidence of mental
illness rather than the initiation of a spiritual journey: If my example
stirs nothing in you, if you can see no further than the confines of
what your secular humanism & its hallowed psychiatry allow, then
there is nothing I can say to you that would wake you from your slumber.
You are less than the beast in man. You are fungi. Would to God that
you pass quickly from this Earth.
have prophesied for years that I was born for a Great War; that if I
did not witness the coming of the Second American Civil War I would
begin it myself. Mark well: That day is fast coming upon you. On the New
Moon of May, I shall disappear into the Wilderness. I will return
bearing Revolution, or I will not return at all.
War Be unto the Ends of the Earth.
Augustus Sol Invictus
Orlando, Florida, USA
XX Aprilis MMXIII Satvrnvs
The fact that the lunatic self-publiciser has a Cadillac and a poddle and has visited Dubrovnik really swings it.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget his winning handshake.
DeleteI only wrote this post because I'd just written about fascists with links to the occult and the arts, and a friend I hadn't seen in over 30 years called and was in Marseilles, so I said hey! Come to Toulouse.
So, we're chatting, and she asks, out of the blue, if I'd heard of Sol Invictus....and she told me about the letter. And being in class with him, etc
I figured the timing and the coincidental nature of it all almost required me to write about him.
I wonder what his new Tridentine Catholic friends think of his OTO past?
Like Putin's pal Dugin. Putin is liked by the Orthodox Church, but what do they think about his association with that guy? Dugin mixed with occultists, Satanists, and Neo-Nazis back when he was helping to create the "Nazbol" group....
Odd bedfellows.